Episode 20 – The Inbetweeners

It’s been a while, but we are back to a Clear Lists episode where we focus on a single show. This time around it is the British classic The Inbetweeners.


The Inbetweeners has always been there to remind us how awkward and horrible high school was. As we follow private-school boy Will McKenzie at his new public school, we get a vulgar look into how British teenagers act nowadays. Spoiler alert: It includes a lot of lack of control when it comes to bodily functions.


The Inbetweeners ran for three seasons and has since spawned two movies. In this episode, Brooke, Joey, and I break down our top five favorite episodes, pervy Jay moments, and humiliating Simon scenes (like this one below).


Settle in, ya wankers, and listen as we talk British slang and the American remake, and Joey repeats horrible things from the show verbatim. Let us know what your own favorite Inbetweeners moments are.

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